Values are all bollocks anyway arnt they? I mean look how much money I have thrown at both my Mk1 and Mk2, will they ever be worth that ammount of money? I reckon yes in the future but then again they are not for sale so are worth more than I have spent?
Cars are only worth what you are preapred to accept in order to let them go for. Insurance valuations are another thing of course. I have been waiting since last August for a valuation on My Mk1, butthe registra does not return my emails or phone calls for some reason?? How can it be replaced when there is not another one??
I wasn't going to comment, as it's all a bit handbags innit
I think elements of the RSOC are trying to "cleanse" the club of it's pre 80's cars, and therefore an article like this shouldn't really be all that surprising.
These valuations used to be a fair guide, not always accurate IMO but nevertheless a guide, a reference point.
These days however with the Bay skewing things out of all proportion, the prices have gone totally beserk, and a VGC STD-ish MkII RSII would have been worth 4-5 K (2 years ago) can now easily fetch 8-10K.
These days there are no reliable guides, as some cars go for less than expected while others go for far more than most would want to pay.
BTW, even if Mex's do lag a little behind in the price stakes, what's wrong with that? If I remember correctly, the STD RSII cost more as a new car, and far outsold it's sibling due to it being a more attractive car for the extra money (i.e. Mex vs Sport etc etc...)
It's always been like that too, only recently has the differential closed as people that couldn't have an RS II went for the cheaper alternative, which has pretty much levelled the prices out, not only that but anything RS goes silly on the Bay anyway!
Who says that a MkII Escort has to fetch 5 figure sums anyway, I'm happy to pay 3 or 4 figure sums for Escorts, , seems a bit of a strange criterion for the worthiness of owning a car, i.e. how much of an investment it may be or not
Sounds like a real enthusiast the author of that piece
May I just point out that the figures posted on page 1 are the views of the SEOC (Sporting Escort Owners Club) published on their website and not the RSOC or any of its elected representitives.
May I just point out that the figures posted on page 1 are the views of the SEOC (Sporting Escort Owners Club) published on their website and not the RSOC or any of its elected representitives.
I assumed that these comments were in Rallye News i.e. RSOC, sorry if this assumption was false or for any offence, none intended