thinking of holding a mk1 and 2 escort party in the back garden!! it would be in june or july sort of time, classic ford said they would consider covering it, but needed more details.about 15-20 cars should fill it! its in sunny bournemouth, so south coast people really.i already know of about 10 people in the area,grum being one, and dave pop is coming(doesn't know it yet!!) so if your interested let me know, if more cars did want to come i'd have to measure up a bit better, probably be a bbq for food if wifey is willing. just a friendly gathering all welcome, children welcome ,if space allows a bouncy castle will be in attendance.. always ready to hear any thoughts u may have . Rich.
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rs garden party
how big is your garden????
1 thing i will say to you is be careful nobody falls & gets hurt on your property otherwise there could be a law suit against you....theres alot of that shite going on here in ireland & many shows have been cancelled cause of the high (outrageous) insurance costs
sorry if i sound like a stick in the mud, im just saying be warned