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Global Warming

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  • #16
    Originally posted by KL View Post
    For those of more mature years, we can maybe look forward to a warmer climate in the UK. For those with rather more years left to survive, the likelihood is that the UK will then endure winters more like Norway. With the Arctic ice cap melting, quite apart from rising sea levels, the Gulf Stream that makes our climate milder may be halted or turned back. Someone in the Caribbean recently was proclaiming to me "then you'll all have to come down here more often for holidays to escape the cold". He was less happy when I pointed out that such changes could cause re-circulation and a permanent hurricane season down there.
    Gaia theorists (no it's not an Escort model) might claim the earth will then heal itself by using the heat in a refrigerator-like manner to provoke a new ice age that will kill off a lot of the population causing the pollution.
    Yes it's an excuse for stealth taxes. Yes what we do here will have little overall effect against the massive industrial growth in China and India (which is not fully compensated for by lower industrial output in the USA and Europe). Yes unleaded fuel and the catalytic converters that go with it make a massive additional contribution to CO2 emissions over and above what "lean-burn" technology and infinitessimal added lead content fuel could have achieved. Yes Mercedes and BMW are primarily responsible for that by first persuading the German government, then the EU, to go down that route because the US already had with its far less efficient engines of that era and they wanted to be able to continue to export there without the cost of different standards. Yes the classic car movement and motor sport uses far less fuel on a weekend day than anglers or football match attendees. Yes the extent of the company car culture unique the to the UK and the amount of unnecessary business travel (not least the EU Parliament constantly moving backwards and forwards between two sites in Brussels and Strasbourg) in the internet age are the areas of vehicle usage that should be addressed before attacking the infinitessimal leisure use of older vehicles. Tell your MP etc (especially if you live in a marginal constituency) that forcefully. It just might help you enjoy the years you have left slightly better........
    You ever thought about a job in goverment,lark!


    • #17
      [quote=jim gracie;114815]You ever thought about a job in goverment/quote]

      Been there......done that......


      • #18
        Global Warming

        Originally posted by rwdrs View Post
        When the coast starts coming up the beaches and submerging the lower lying parts of the UK nobody will be laughing and people would gladly give up their life savings to save their asses but by then it'll sooooooooo toooooo late.

        Mr Blair and Mr Brown may well be using global warming as an excuse to squeeze the british taxpayers but if we think the weather's all to **** now what's it going to be like in 15-20 years?

        We may be unfortunate enough to witness in our lifetimes, some real havoc and every year such extreme weather that'll mean constantly having to rebuild stuff, i.e. floods ruining last years re-decorated shops and houses, and that every year.

        Which costs, guess what, higher insurance premiums and more money in taxes. Wait 15-20 years until the Chinese and
        Indians have far greater access to cars, should be great for the atmosphere!
        I'm not out to get anyones back up and we are all entitled to our opinions, but I'm far from convinced about Global Warming. It is known that if someone harps on about something continuously, people start to believe it. This is what the extremists did in the late 80's, and now people are being taken in by it. We only get to hear the scare stories all the time, the media has been particulary good at it lately as it makes a good story, but we don't get to hear the other side of the story. Try the link below and view the Q & A against the theory of Global Warming.

        RS Mk2 Club 099

