For those of you who are confined to barracks with no hope of making a fool of yourself before midnight in the local boozer!!
Here are a few pics taken out of my Ford Sport Bulletin mags from 196*
And no cheating trying to read the clues in the text!!!!!!
Q1. Driver, Co Driver and event, an extra point for the year

Q2: Name this gent

Q3: Driver and event?

Q4: Venue and driver with a bonus for Hillman Imp driver
And finally the "Where are they now" section.
Young Don Wilson from Yiewsley in middlesex will be 46 now, he featured in the Ford Sport mag after buying the official badge and sewing it on his school office now Wilson!!!
The question is whether he is still out there and as Ford keen as he was back then!!
Here are a few pics taken out of my Ford Sport Bulletin mags from 196*
And no cheating trying to read the clues in the text!!!!!!
Q1. Driver, Co Driver and event, an extra point for the year

Q2: Name this gent

Q3: Driver and event?

Q4: Venue and driver with a bonus for Hillman Imp driver

And finally the "Where are they now" section.
Young Don Wilson from Yiewsley in middlesex will be 46 now, he featured in the Ford Sport mag after buying the official badge and sewing it on his school office now Wilson!!!
The question is whether he is still out there and as Ford keen as he was back then!!