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Escort Clubs what do You want

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  • Escort Clubs what do You want

    After the Latest POLLS !!

    I have been thinking about the whole situation.

    Things for a Club No matter which one.

    1. You get to make some Great Friendships
    2. Theres always someone knows the answer to the question you need answering.
    3. you get to see the Mark you are interested in with like minded people.
    4. find parts you didnt know you could get.

    Points to ponder about all clubs.

    Please note I can only comment on the MK2 club as the other clubs dont publisize their costing.

    1. Club mags whoever does them seem to be a waste of time, even the RSOC nice even sending out a photocopied mag costs stamps , evelopes blah blah.
    and know one wants to contribute RSOC/MK2 Club sporting escorts they are all the same

    2. A Club must have Public Liability Insurance for the MK2 club is £450 a year, otherwise they are not eligible to put a stand at any show. this goes for all shows and club, unless like Ford Fair they stump up the insurance.

    3. Club stand equipment eg Signage (£100 per banner) , gazebo's tables, Stickers and tax disc's (£100's)

    4. Website costs £15 a month hosted

    so count the costs yourself this is where your membership goes not great but true,

    Now to what you want,

    We have all heard about getting parts remaunfactured, well this does not come cheap, I know from Martyn just getting the cables done for the MK2 club cost Him personally (his cash) £600 before they would make a run, so I dont know what the capri club has to layout for all their stuff, but they do use alot of already produced bits.

    Clubs also suffer from the Cliqueness and elitism, and the judges all vote for their mates in the votable catagories, ( So this is a big issue and area to resolve)

    then there are the constant whingers, moan and moan but do nothing. and yes there are supposed team members who are a waste of time.

    Local meets are another issue, there are members from all over the country from Scotland , Ireland, England and Wales, and of course the Foreign members.

    BB's another Issue, Daves board has a load of members registered same as turbosport, oldskool ford blah blah, but there is only a very small minority of actual posters like maybe 40 ish plenty of lookers though so the internet is not the gathering of all enthusiasts ?

    I hate to see things fail this is for everyone !!!

    So can anyone suggest what sort of club would get everyone together and enjoy the cars and the BBQ's **** ups, nights out ? which its all about ??? Yes/NO?

    so please leave some sensible suggestions below. am I hoping for too much ?

  • #2
    top post

    Nutty Professor


    • #3
      A club that when subs have been paid the members get what they have paid for

      Magazine - if an advertised part of that clubs membership

      A club that does what is says in it blurb to entice people to join

      Insurance Recognised Valuations available at least 1 per year free others at an agreed cost to owner

      A registrar or representitive who is welcoming, pro-active and helpfull

      Regallia because everyone wants to be involved and feel part of a community

      Be represented at various shows throughout the year

      A meeting or National Day as they are known with social gatherings (**** ups) at other times



      • #4
        Please DO NOT get this a pro or negative MK2 club post its a general CLUBS post

        I have my own issues with that and I dont want a personal dig at any particular people !! from any club its just a general thing

        Thank you
        Last edited by Banishit; 30-12-2006, 20:10.


        • #5
          Meant to add that on the subject of re-man parts a central database of commercially available spares - track control arms, exhausts etc etc etc

          BUT be aware that to then re-man a part that is N.L.A can bring into play corporate/product liability hence the reason I feel the RSOC will/has not gone into production on specific items no longer made by anyone else



          • #6
            Originally posted by Banishit View Post

            Please DO NOT get this a pro or negative MK2 club post its a general CLUBS post

            I havnt !



            • #7
              Dave's idea of a central database of available parts and consumables is a top idea. I think this is a bit like what the Capri guys have done. I think this area should be ran as a business with a club discount, maybe approach an existing supplier/stockist of these parts to see if they want to get involved (or even the capri club) rather than give it to a Joe Bloggs who has a passing interest.

              Nutty Professor


              • #8
                I have just done a Google for Escort Club !

                Cant afford to join em all but they do seem to cater for all tastes



                • #9
                  45 looks and 2 comments, come on fellas lets hear what you have to say out there !!


                  • #10
                    I'm with Neil, Top post Brian.

                    I, personally would like to see only 1 club to cater for our cars. (The RSOC).
                    The MK2 RS club was a great idea at the time as the RSOC were not doing anything for our cars hence why the club was started. The club has, though, suffered greatly over the last couple of years for varying reasons ranging from bad organisation through to negative attitudes from certain members. The issue of "Where does our money go" has been pointed out by Brian. The club is still a very small club as far as classic car clubs go but the expenses involved are the same as larger ones IE Mag, (No silly comments please), Regalia, Public liability insurance, Re-Man parts etc, etc. So, the vast ammount of the members "subs" go on these with little or no money left at the end. There could be a solution to this if members were willing to make "Donations" for certain things to be done IE Re-Man of parts, but I thing the majority would baulk at the idea.

                    As far as cliques go, ALL car clubs suffer from them no matter what the people involved say. Tis an unfortunate fact. The vast majority of MK2 owners that I know and deal with are among the most friendly/approachable people that I have ever met and have gained a lot of good friendships as such. People who are looking in from the outside of a club do though have to knock on the door to get involved, not standing, looking from a distance then choosing to moan about cliqueyness. We are ALL very approachable and a friendly bunch if you take the time to get aquainted (Apart from Spence who will probably vomit over you the morning after )
                    I have found that within a club you usually get out of it what you are prepared to put into it. I personally have no whingeing to do as regards either the RSOC of the RS MK2 Escort Club as I have very good friends in both.

                    The social side of things I find are a very important part of our scene as it enables us all to put faces to names in a relaxed environment. Dave and his BBQ have been invaluable to this as over the past 4 years or so we have had some superb nights at both shows and out on the town boozing There a definitely no cliques on one of these nights and everybody is always more than welcome. Long may they continue.

                    As far as Clubs go, as I said, I think really there should only be the RSOC as they are the biggest club for our cars and have the contacts/ knowhow as far as spares go. (Very thin on the ground at the mo with only black wheelnuts being offered) This must change if they want to stop us all from going to other clubs etc. Most of the well known escort clubs, AVO/SEOC are in trouble but that is a sign of the times as these cars are getting fewer each year and this has a knock on effect on the clubs as in fewer members so less money to spend so more moaning!!!! One of the way forward maybe for the AVO club would be for it to amalgamate with the RSOC but to keep its identity which would help all the old skool members in having a bigger say within the RSOC to maybe get more things done?? More things done means happier club members This might be only a short term solution though as again, our cars will deminish moreso over the years and so will the membership. Catch 22. The MK2 club either has to gain the members confidence back or give up. Everybody I know within the club works damn hard for no reward and along the way have to put up with a lot of shit from people for reasons that are not their fault Which, in turn demoralises them to the point of giving up. I think we should be showing our support to all involved and not be so intent in creating divides which only harms all clubs involved.

                    At the end of the day, I would rather pay a membership of say,£40ish for a year to a club that I knew catered for us all with no bias rather than 2 clubs that are constantly at loggerheads creating Ill feeling.

                    My 2p's worth, Kev.
                    Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

                    CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........


                    • #11
                      bloody hell kev,how long did that take you to do?
                      top reply kev,im with you on this one.

                      Too old of a to be F**ked by kittens

                      RS MK2 CLUB NO/10

                      RSOC NO/22171


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by paul spence View Post
                        bloody hell kev,how long did that take you to do?
                        top reply kev,im with you on this one.
                        Knackered now
                        Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

                        CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........


                        • #13
                          i have only ever been a paid up member of 1 club,that was the seoc,was there for 2 years,only joined as i wanted a club to join and some1 came in2 halfords who was a member thus i joined.i left the club when my member ship ran out because there was no1 active in the club local 2 me and this was at the time of old skool ford starting up and me findin here.

                          What i want from a club is a good group of like minded people who make the show more enjoyable,spares and tech advice.Stuff like club mag,cloths etc are all good and very but an essential to make a gud club,With bb like this gettin more and more busier money would b beta spent there than a mag every few weeks with what is mostly old new by the time it gets to you.
                          1 thing i like most about seoc was that it was just escorts,i do like cortina,anglia etc but am more intrested in mk1/2 escorts the most.

                          i have no plans to rsoc or the mk2 rs club because i cant see myself gettin anything more out of them by joinin that i dont already get on here and old skool ford


                          • #14
                            i was a member of the rsoc back in the 80's and the mk1 and 2 ruled the roost, got another rs back in 98 and rejoined and the club had changed ,but we had about 15 years worth of new models by then which in turn brings new members with new ideas and different aproaches to different marks, sold the car and left again (work), got another rs back in october and rejoined again, got my stuff through the post and was shocked at how little the old skool part of the club there was , it was all turbo this and turbo that , so i started to post on the rsoc forum and was led towards this forum which caters for my needs more than the other ,but i still log on to both for the banter , as a new member i'm just getting into it all , i'm going to my local club in jan (oxford bufty boys) to see what the crack is and as a mk2 owner i'm sure i will get a good welcome (i hope)but i am expecting a lot of new age stuff at this meet or meet a lot of new age owners anyway as they are all bufty boys ,
                            there has been massive change since my time away but we must stick at it and learn to live with each and every member
                            you will always have the big mouth winger who does nothing but slag it all off and the quiet organising fella who makes everything happen using a lot of his/her own free time to lay on events for us all , you will never ever stop the ckicky thingy going on as it happens in work and in life in general, so stop winging £30 is a good no great deal for six mags a year which you all can contribute too with pics and articles, not to mention the tax disc holder which if you don't want it sell it on fleabay, i was disapointed with the mk2 mk1 coverage in the mag so lets get pen to paper and get the mag filled up with some old skool, don't just winge,
                            you cannot please all of the people all of the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time,
                            get back in the rsoc(its only £30) support your local meet , and most of all keep the banter up
                            by the way i know what a skater is now , thanks taffr (oldboy-newboy)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rallyslag View Post
                              i have no plans to rsoc or the mk2 rs club because i cant see myself gettin anything more out of them by joinin that i dont already get on here and old skool ford
                              There you have it...... the internet as killed off the car club

                              On a more serious note though, It is partly true as people can visit online communities as & when they wish.
                              Speak to most of the folks that are in the AVO OC, RSOC, SEOC or Mk2 club without actually joining any of them.
                              Newcomers to the scene can get all the buying advice, what to look for, model differences etc etc...

                              That is why this BB as well as turbosport & old skool ford are growing & club membership numbers are declining.
                              All the reasons for joining a club are now not essential... Again the works team could almost be classed as a club without membership as long as you hold a gimp badge.. LOL.
                              I can can honestly say though this is the only BB I use that has a friendly atmosphere to it. It lacks the total dickheads, or if they do appear they are dealt with.

                              So if you wish to be part of a club... I haven't been a member of any for ages. I'd say get a decent old School registrar to support your marque via the RS owners club. That way with the right person elected you will be constantly aware of what is being done for You by Your club.

                              I still think the original RS cars should be looked after by the original RS club.
                              Just my opinion.

