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Croc Hunter On !

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  • Croc Hunter On !

    South Park sends Croc Hunter to hell

    Steve Irwin as depicted in the South Park episode

    - Search: More on Steve Irwin
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    South Park's creators have provoked outrage by sending Steve Irwin to hell in the latest episode of the cartoon.
    In the show, the animated Irwin goes to a 'Hell on Earth' party with a stingray sticking out of his bleeding chest.
    Hundreds of guests turn up at the party dressed as dead celebrities including Princess Diana, the rapper Notorious B.I.G. and Hitler. But Satan receives complaints from his guests that someone is inappropriately dressed up as Steve Irwin.
    The devil confronts the Australian TV presenter and asks him to leave but Irwin insists he is not dressed up and it really is him - come back from the dead. Eventually Satan believes him but he is kicked out anyway - because he is not in fancy dress.
    A spokesman told London's Metro newspaper: "South Park has been pushing people's buttons for more than 10 years. It has offended people in the past and probably will again. Regular watchers would not be shocked."

    John Beyer, director of media watchdog Mediawatch, told the newspaper that the episode was "grossly insensitive".
    "I think this is in bad taste... Steve Irwin's family are still grieving and I am sure they will be grieving for a long time. To lampoon somebody's death like that is unacceptable and so soon after the event is grossly insensitive."

  • #2
    I'm all for a laugh,but i think that's a tad to soon after his death to be doing that kind of thing........


    • #3
      Strike while the irons hot i say !!!!!!!!!


      • #4
        Good old south park as tastefull as ever


        • #5
          Originally posted by jim gracie
          Strike while the irons hot i say !!!!!!!!!
          Bit harsh i know but anyone who has a history of working with some of the most dangerous mammals,reptiles and insects on the planet had to carry some luck !!His ran out not at the hands of the sting- ray(fins/wing type of things)but at the hands of the writers of Southpark!!


          • #6
            I wonder how well it will go down in Australia??


            • #7
              Can see the reaction in the horizon!!To be serious its the family that you would think would be upset by such an act,but in this case me thinks the press/media will have a field day.

