We were all very Caring and Compassionate young lads. Always gave up our seats for pregnant women and old ladies, Always let other people go first through doors. Were always well mannered. (This is all the truth by the way)
We were all very Caring and Compassionate young lads. Always gave up our seats for pregnant women and old ladies,then mugged them (This is all the truth by the way)
I'll save the rest for a rainy day (or your 40th birthday!)
Thats a point - thats what we are celebrating in Nottingham, bring your handcuffs !!!
It does look like you just swigged a glass of vinegar.
Now I'm worried.
Was just pulling my usual "Camera" face. Pic was taken in France at an all day festival GBH,Vice Squad,UK Subs, Us etc..... There was a free local wine on offer to us all day wich did taste like Vinegar IIRC.