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Does Cf Editor Know His Onions??

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  • Does Cf Editor Know His Onions??

    got my latest classic ford through the post yesterday, on the page where the editor has a say, is a little box where the editions contributors have a say, there steve phillips says ref his favourite RS, "got to be the RS2000 mk2, i think its just cos of the front end, if only they did a four door version "

    does someone want to tell him our antipodean cousins enjoyed a four door RS, but as classic ford editor, surely he should know that??

  • #2
    you know wat their like lee,
    he'll av just come out of uni or sumat...


    • #3
      has anyone imported one of them over here ever lark??


      • #4
        wouldn't it be funny if one turned up,like..
        wouldn't take much would it !.. lol.
        might even hit front page of CF, lol...


        • #5
          Originally posted by RabC-RS2-77
          you know wat their like lee,
          he'll av just come out of uni or sumat...
          Spot on there Rab...lately most of 'em at CF look like their only just in the first throws of puberty...lark!!

          They're journo's at the end of the day, as opposed to dyed-in-the-wool Ford fanatics...CF is just another stepping stone for them in their careers. Nobody expects them to be experts, but it sticks out like a sore dick they rely on what is sometimes completely incorrect information for some of their articles...which is then in turn taken as gospel by many a newcomer to these cars.


          • #6
            Originally posted by GP4
            Spot on there Rab...lately most of 'em at CF look like their only just in the first throws of puberty...lark!!

            which is then in turn taken as gospel by many a newcomer to these cars.

            lol @ the above, lark...

            but olde lee bishop only found out 2months ago,
            they did 4 doors, down under.... lol...


            • #7
              havin bumped in2 marc stretton at ford fair and talkin 2 him in great length,steve philps has alot of people to answer to that why he left as ed, they need to get people on board that has blue blood and have a passion for what there writin about,i was stood by the classic ford snapper at ford fair and he wasnt sure what cars he had to take pics off


              • #8
                i know nothing

                it's just a stepping stone for them until they can get to a bigger mag,and it's always fun to spot all the glaring errors in the mags
                what i need is a high horse like the others have !


                • #9
                  not forgetting the issue of them turning up in ireland, in a focus. then there was the picture of matt wildee ' driving the wheels' off a space framed hill climb mk1 escort - with his sunglasses still on the top of his head ( surely they'd fall off?? ) god i could go on for bloody ages. who pays their salary?? i wanna complain.........

                  i get a bit annoyed with retro ford mag, as it seems its just a collection of ben morleys mates cars, but at least they are all passionate about what they write about on that mag


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lee bishop
                    not forgetting the issue of them turning up in ireland, in a focus. then there was the picture of matt wildee ' driving the wheels' off a space framed hill climb mk1 escort - with his sunglasses still on the top of his head ( surely they'd fall off?? ) god i could go on for bloody ages. who pays their salary?? i wanna complain.........

                    i get a bit annoyed with retro ford mag, as it seems its just a collection of ben morleys mates cars, but at least they are all passionate about what they write about on that mag
                    i dont think steve will b there much longer so ive been told.

                    your not the only1 who gettin annoyed at retro ford mag,heard a few people say it now


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lee bishop

                      i get a bit annoyed with retro ford mag, as it seems its just a collection of ben morleys mates cars,
                      I agree but surely there is a good reason for that !!!

                      If anyone wants to start a magazine they have got to feature their mates car first as they will need to fill the magazine with articles to compete with Classic Ford etc

                      Why not contact Ben Morley and get your car featured ?

                      RFMorley on this BB


                      Or Ben Birch from Retro Ford

                      RF Ben on this BB




                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RS2000CUSTOM

                        Why not contact Ben Morley and get your car featured ?
                        i did send him that pic of my car when it was in WRC amused me that much.

                        as for a feature, i might make readers rides............. not shiney enough for anything else


                        • #13
                          you wont get an answer from ben b,best email ben m.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rallyslag
                            you wont get an answer from ben b
                            whys that??

                            no reply came from morley when i sent the wrc pic mind, even a ' recieved ' would have done.


                            • #15
                              duno he just never seams to reply to etc,no reason why you couldnt get your car featured lee

