I went shopping with Bob X Pack We bought a Rad Tech Alloy Radiator kit each Found out today that the fan is a MK2 VW Golf one and so is the Rad switch. Gutted, as I could have got these for a third of the price....
I went shopping with Bob X Pack We bought a Rad Tech Alloy Radiator kit each Found out today that the fan is a MK2 VW Golf one and so is the Rad switch. Gutted, as I could have got these for a third of the price....
Shame you couldnt find the classic ford banner Dave, I had a look too, nearly got a ford fair one that had all the details of the day on it, which had fallen down near the fast ford stand but people were standing on it watching the concours results, and i didnt wanna say, 'oi, shift your arse, I wanna nick that banner' so i left it.
Gutted about your rad, Kev, you were chuffed with that buy too werent ya?!
I really wish I'd bought something, oh well, next year.........
Still chuffed with the buy. Just gutted about the fan and switch. Bought a new Rad cap today for a bargain £20 from Roadrunner instead of the £38 at the rip off stands!!!!! Just need the Powergrip belt kit now which I will hopefully order tomorrow