Originally posted by Jenifa
well, i got home at 6pm, had a quick bite to eat, and chat to my missus, i fell asleep on tha sofa, she says about 7.30 pm, she woke me up and pushed me off to bed at 9pm, and i just woke up at 11.50am!! a total of 17 ish hours kip!! i guess i wont be going to work today then..........

i had a great weekend catching up with the usual suspects, nice to meet new people too including jen who was very kind to have us on her stand, neil (topaz ) and energetic ellis, lee(76mex) who was really kind to take a look at a white RS2000 for a couple of friends of mine ( offer has been submitted!! ) - thanks again, greedy bloke - well thats what i'm calling you from now on for having TWO 18'S, it was also nice to say a quick hello to gerard, i wasn't sure wether to bow or curtsey, thanks for saying nice things about my car mate!! i also bumped into dave king who is attempting the impossible, but i'll let him tell whats he's upto himself........LOL good luck with it!