phil like mex-it says,we are all a good set of lads on here and ive said before rabs a good lad,so if i could afford to buy the wood I would board your fooooookin mouth up.OK
VINNY won't see yeah this weekend !
decided to put mi DM's on & ride to whitby !
no trophy's to be had by olde rab this wknd so savin some money, lark !
so see you ALL next weekend, lark. or the nxt, or the one after that
i've nothing to bottle, lee.
just not got enougth funds to use the mk11 really !
between jobs at the moment.... lark.
plus its fathersday tomorrow, so see mi kids today &
int morning then go for a ride out !
well i did ask about today for philrs as i wanted a word with him about his comments on here but he either didnt show or was keeping his head down
sounds to me like the fella is all **** and wind ?
I heard he was there. He didn't make himself known though as he thinks we're not worth it...... Wants to come say "Hello" when we're all there. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!
He was playing with his mate Stanley i expect and i aint heard that expression since the good old football days all the scousers had friends called stanley