due to the amount of pm's and phone calls i have recieved I've been forced into posting few picture of progress so far before some other N.I member of this board beats me to it
I purchased this aussi van earlier in the year from a pair of southern's down london way (thanks lads) after a few too many beers @ lakes tour last year collect it and called with another member on here in the grenta area on my way home and he posted the first pictures (thanks martin) so got it home and tryed to decide why!!!!!!!! did I do this
but it sat in garage until it grew on me so here's few pictures of what I done so far
once I had finished the striping process it went off to SKN rally services for nice new coat of paint thanks steven and the boys up there and only got it back today!!!
will try and post more pictures as it progress and hopfully it will be in lakes for may 2010
many thanks to SKN Motorsport for paint work and to Davy Craig motorsport for the little fabracation work
sigpicCherish the past, adorn the present,& create for the future.
hi mate ur van looking gd now mines is a mk1 van tax excempt 1972 a totally restored it rot free..in the painted shop hope be ready for the new year and ready for lakes 2010 hopefully .
Just home from James from looking at the escort van. A real cracking good job done of body and paint work. ps, good luck with the rest of the build Jim.
hi mate ur van looking gd now mines is a mk1 van tax excempt 1972 a totally restored it rot free..in the painted shop hope be ready for the new year and ready for lakes 2010 hopefully .
hope to meet up with u @ lakes we will have 3/4 vans mk1's & mk2's over this year
Just home from James from looking at the escort van. A real cracking good job done of body and paint work. ps, good luck with the rest of the build Jim.
thanks gereard just got in after doing a stock check and filling heater with fuel
sigpicCherish the past, adorn the present,& create for the future.