I've just done the same on a MK2 1600 L 4 door (don't laugh).
The bulk head side and wing wounting rail cost £22 the pair from my local motorspares shop (he ordered them from AMP panels - they are Hadrian distributors)
I made the floor repair and A post repair panels myself.
Fortunately the o/s wing was brazed on so it popped off nicely with a bit of heat, and got welded back on once the other bits were done.
The welding and fabricating took about 6 hours all together, over a couple of weekends.
Good luck with yours, it's not too bad once you get stuck in :thumbup:
RSmeister i think when you go to these extremes, its a case of in for a penny in for a pound :compress: i`ll just keep removing the bad bits and replace as neccesary
if a jobs worth doing do it right
Hi guys, sorry for the delay in my response, not been on for a while, been really rough with health problems . Finally been given the all clear by docs to return to work, so things will really start to move on the old girl now
Yes it is an ex Merseyside police car, one of a batch of six purchased in 1981 i am led to believe.
Will try to upload some upto date photos to show how things are progressing