sorry there has been no updates of the car but i just cant get my teeth into it at the's all stopped i don't know how to get myself going again
sorry there has been no updates of the car but i just cant get my teeth into it at the's all stopped i don't know how to get myself going again
lol...i wish i could just get on with it...i think it's cos i don't have all the bits at the mo the only thing i can do at the mo is fit the doors up...whats that 2h's work.....then no more untill gartrack finish my bits off
lookin nice paul, very clean indeed, when's the oily bits going in mate
i'll have the engine back in the first week in april untill then i will do the doors and the rest of the dash then move onto the back axle as i now have all the parts to complete it so that will be done next week