cheers fellas,yes that is the corsa electric power steering unit im going to fit m8.not looking good to get it finished in time for brunters tho.could be a couple of sickys wednesday and thursday i think
cheers fellas,yes that is the corsa electric power steering unit im going to fit m8.not looking good to get it finished in time for brunters tho.could be a couple of sickys wednesday and thursday i think
well the car didnt go to the ball ,was a good day tho tbh with some cracking cars and speeds.that im sure you will find out about once the mag is out .anyway the the place where i got the wheels from called my yesterday to say would i pick um up at 11.30 yesterday morning,was a pain as that is what i was waiting for tbh.picked up today and i love um super sexy things.10x17 image split rims,now i have these i can set what ride hieght i want and see what i have to cut out of the rear engine to achieve that a couple of pics any way for those that are interested
cheers for the coments guys,im well happy with them,all the stickers will be off when it is done this time glyn,ready for the new stripes ,grum you could try them but i would have to kill you if you try keep um m8 .again thanks,should get some pics of them bolted to the car tuesday with some luck
hung the rims on the car to check for clearance issues and i have lots of them,still nowt that cant be sorted tbh,i will get some pics in the week of it sitting with all its weight .it sits very low on the floor as well