I have too admit when I saw the bright Orange flames coming up from both sides and the front of the bonnet I s**t myself.
Blind panic for a second (which felt like a lifetime) then ran in the house and filled up an empty 5 litre tin I had for dog food and rushed back. The flames were getting pretty big but after 4 super sonic trips to the tap she was out
It looks like the petrol pipe had started weeping. Couldn't work out the ignition source on that side of the engine until someone mentioned that petrol onto the distributor can be common on pinto's
The only thing is the paint work, mainly smoke damage will try and clean it all off tonight.
Many thanks Darren.
PS Getting a fire extinguisher today Topaz
Last edited by ModenaRS2; 24-04-2008, 08:45.
Reason: Spell