Designed this header tank to fit snug against the wing also...
Have got an Escort Cosworth swirl pot to modify and fit into the top hose yet, then correctly fit the turbo water return hose. Will then be running an expansion tank and header tank system together. Need to swap the rad caps about though, so bought these...
The top one is a two way type so will allow water to and fro the exapnsion tank. The big Stant cap then goes accorss to the header tank and the small Stant cap goes atop the expansion bottle.. hope it works!!
So folks, thats about me upto date. And yes Wayne, I know its a Knacker!!
I just hope I can keep it rolling now I have my new toy to play with. Getting booked in to have some more body fab work and some under dash ally panels made up this weekend. Kerching...!