been putting my feelers out about a paint job god theres some different prices, i want to drive it not live in it lol i just want something i can drive every day good its been over 12 year since i last drove a mk2 and if as i remember there wasnt many on the road and any you did see flashed you god they was good times so getting this one sorted will be great its not my best escort ive owned but like it
ye thats just my doing he does mercs for a living hes going to give it the once over and sort what ever needs doing and paint it 20 years in the business and hes doing it on the side so we shell see
well going in morning hes told me hes preping it over the next week and painting it next sunday going to see if i can watch it being sprayed and of coarse take a few pics for you lot well i know how nosey you are